Na-na-na-na hey-hey-hey… goodbye (TypePad) – Community Server / .NET is now used for MSNBC's 'Clicked' blog. – Dell is blogging now and their blog is getting a ton of buzz — we're happy to say they chose Community Server too! – Larry Hryb, aka Major Nelson, is the Director of Programming for Xbox Live and is blogging on Community Server. Before choosing Community Server I believe Larry was running WordPress.

It's really exciting for us on the Telligent team to see some of these sites go live. We're competing against companies with literally millions and millions of venture capital dollars and we are 100% self-funded (and keep declining VC investment).

So while our competitors throw tons of dollars at problems, we just have to work smarter. It's one of our philosophy's at Telligent "work smarter not harder." While we don't have the financial resources that our competitors do, we have drive, motivation, and a desire to win. In some ways I think having less resources makes our job easier as we have to really think hard about where we invest our time.

Clicked is a small win for us relative to our VC funded competitors, but it's a win nonetheless.

September 5th Announcement

On September 5th we'll announce something new… oh wait, you wanted to know now? Sorry, you'll have to wait, it's only September 1st!

Want a hint? It's all about making something we do now even easier. Ok, ok, you wanted another hint: it involves Community Server and a .com at the end.

Build it quickly, use it as soon as possible, and make it simple

We've learned a lot in the last 2+ years building software at Telligent. One of the biggest lessons we've learned is one we didn't really anticipate: a shift from caring less about the underlying technology to how our software solves the user's problem. It's a subtle change, but as an ISV this is probably one of the bigger "maturing" steps a software organization has to go through. You can tell when an ISV hasn't made this transition yet: the literature and announcements about their releases focus 100% on the underlying technology instead of how the software solves a particular set of problems for the people that use it.

If you had asked me 2 years ago about what we wanted Community Server to become the answer I would have, and likely had, given would be something involving: Provider Design Pattern, Server Controls, SQL Server, etc. In other words, I'd tell you about all the cool technology we were using and how we were using it. Today the answer is very different – in fact internally we judge our own success when customers use our software because of the problems it solves, not because of the technology it is built with.

For example, have you ever bought a car because of where the steel was made or because of the brand of the engine? A few people care about these things, but most people care more about: does the car drive good, are the seats comfortable, etc. Make no mistake about it: as developers we're .NET through-and-through, but we have yet to have a customer choose our solutions simply because we wrote "good" code; although we still like to think we do that too 🙂

Today we're in the midst of building 5 new products and our philosophy is: (1) build it as quickly as we can (2) start using it as soon as possible (3) make it simple. Two years ago the phlosophy would have been: make it scalable, make it extensible, etc. Bottom line – If we had started these new projects 2 years ago I don't think they would ever be completed. Now I get worried when I sit in a design review and hear someone say, "we want to make it scalable and extensible". To me that translates to: "We don't know or understand our customer or the problems we are trying to solve, so we'll try to do everything in v1.0."

Are we doing some cool things with the underlying technology? Absolutely! But first and foremost we're going to build software that solves the problems. One of our new products is a CRM system which we started using internally about 4 weeks ago. Our goals today are things like, "the user doesn't have to take their hands off the keyboard to create a case" or "creating a new contact should have no more than 2 required fields". We're not using the provider design pattern, we're not supporting multiple databases, we're using dynamic SQL, we're doing tons of code generation – in other words, we're building software that solves the problems first. We'll solve those other problems too, but we'll solve them later as the software evolves and matures.

Community Server 2.1 Now Available

We’re please to announce the immediate availability of Community Server version 2.1!

If you are running ASP.NET version 1.1:

If you are running ASP.NET version 2.0:

In addition to bug fixes Community Server 2.1 contains some great new features and enhancements, some of which are listed below:

Improvements to existing Features

  • New blogs skins – some professionally design blog skins to help make your blog stand-out.
  • Improved Editor – simple to use WYSIWYG editor.
  • Improved blog authoring experience – simplified workflow for creating, editing, and saving posts.
  • Improved comment editing/management tools for blogs – designed to help you edit and manage a large number of comments quickly.
  • Better SPAM Protection – changes to the built-in spam rules to more effectively deal with spam.
  • New reports – new reports for a variety of statistics maintained by the Community Server database.
  • Per-post answer status –allows users to track answer status on a per-post level for forum posts.
  • Better fixed-width support – design changes to enable better support for fixed width sites.

New Features

  • Tags – ability to add free form tags to content and then use tag clouds and other tools to filter content. 
  • Content Mirroring – ability to configure a blog to be subscribed to one or more external RSS sources bringing that content into the site for visitors and making the content searchable.
  • Post Relevance sorting – allows site owners to use new post relevance algorithm (optional) for blog aggregation page. This feature allows popular content to stay “above the fold” longer.
  • Invitations – ability to configure site so that only invited users can join the community.
  • Badges – members of the site each receive a community badge that can easily be displayed in a variety of locations, such as external blogs.
  • Feedburner / external RSS support – easily use tools, such as Feedburner, for sharing your RSS feeds on blogs.
  • Runs in Medium Trust – better support for hosting organizations that want to run ASP.NET applications in a reduced trust level.

We are also going to include the source code for both the File Gallery and the Reader in the SDK with the CS 2.1 release as well.

To help celebrate this release all commercial Editions and add-ons for Community Server (sold by Telligent) will be available starting August 10th at a 20% discount (for a limited time). Of course you can use the 100% free Express Edition too — visit to learn more.

Please visit our store to take advantage of these offers:

Thanks and enjoy Community Server 2.1!

P.S., the SDK will be released shortly too.


A common question I hear about sites like and other large communities we run (as well as Community Server in general) is: Why don’t you have support for CAPTCHA?

The short answer is: you don’t need it.

While CAPTCHA isn’t a feature included in Community Server there are several different CAPTCHA implementations that people have developed as add-ons for Community Server. You can download a CAPTCHA add-on for Community Server from the file gallery right now.

CAPTCHA, which stands for (C)ompletely (A)utomated (P)ublic (T)uring test to tell (C)omputers and (H)umans (A)part, works well for small sites but larger ‘community’ sites where there are multiple SPAM targets CAPTCHA only provides a false sense of security – it can be broken fairly easily and serious spammers are getting more sophisticated all the time.

Just do a Google search on “Break Captcha” and you’ll find several example. Below is one of the better write-ups on the topic:

However, this isn’t the reason we don’t support CAPTCHA in Community Server.  It’s an overly cumbersome tool to solve a problem which can be much more easily solved by auto-detecting SPAM:

1. Dynamic Rules Engine – This is what we use for Community Server. It’s a set of rules and scores that validate content as it comes in that is designed to change/adapt/grow as the spam changes.  The popular plug-in that Telligent makes use of is the WordPress Akismet plug-in.

2. Bayesian filters – Really only useful if the comment spam follows patterns. Unfortunately the type of spam seems to constantly be changing so a Bayesian filter isn’t really a great solution.

Community Server 2.1, Beta 1 Available

We’re excited to announce the immediate availability of Community Server version 2.1, Beta 1:

Windows Installer
Download for ASP.NET 1.1

Web Installer (and for upgrades from version 2.0)
Download for ASP.NET 1.1
Download for ASP.NET 2.0

Below are a few of the new capabilities found in Community Server version 2.1, Beta 1:

  • Tags – Tags are supported through-out all areas and provide an easy way to categorize content.
  • Blog Mirrors – Blog mirroring enables the creation of a blog that mirrors (through RSS) the content from any RSS source.
  • Usability – A lot of work has been done to simplify the overall usability of Community Server.
  • Anti-Spam Tools – Thanks to all the great feedback we’ve made a number of changes and improvements to Community Server’s rule-based anti-SPAM tools.
  • Bug Fixes and more…

While not included in this beta, the final 2.1 version will also include 5 new blog skins with 20 unique variations. Reports are also not included in this beta.

The next version, Community Server version 2.2, will focus exclusively on a much simplified theme system. Version 3.0 will introduce, amongst other capabilities, a full ASMX/REST Web Services stack, very basic content management capabilities, and a few new surprises.