Intel Capital invests $20M in Telligent


I’m thrilled to announce that Intel Capital, Intel’s global investment organization, has made a $20M investment in Telligent. You can read the full press release here: Intel Capital to Acquire $20M Stake in Telligent.

I started Telligent back in 2004 with about $5,000. Since then we’ve grown into a 140+ person profitable business. Today millions of people use Telligent’s software everyday with customers such as Microsoft, NASDAQ, NFL, Intel,, and Dell (to name a few).

Announcing Community Server 2008.5


Last week I announced that Community Server Evolution – a version of Community Server designed specifically for the Intranet – was released.

Today I’m happy to announce that our point release of Community Server 2008 (officially Community Server 2008.5) is now available. You can read more details about what is included in the release, such as the new wiki, here or download it here.

While this release contains many improvements to profiles, the Web Services (REST) API, and other areas the biggest investments were made into the Wiki and the new question-and-answer functionality in the forums. The Wiki is available as a core “application” and is also integrated into the sub-communities functionality. The question-and-answer functionality streamlines finding answers to questions in the forums – instead of scanning a thread for your answer, you can quickly find the answers highlighted at the top of the thread.

The “I’m a PC” new Microsoft Ad

image Jerry and Bill just didn’t do it for me. In fact I was really, really disappointed with the first set of ads.

I love Seinfeld (the show) and realize that these ads were in that spirit, but it just didn’t do it for me. Furthermore while I have a tremendous amount of respect for what Bill Gates has done at Microsoft — and for the computer industry as a whole — I think he symbolizes the old Microsoft vs. the new Microsoft (people like Scott Guthrie).

Bottom-line, while I think people in the tech industry could connect with the first two ads. Most people — at least those that I know that aren’t techy — let out a collective “Huh?”

That changed last night.

The new “I’m a PC” ad (watch it here) resonated much better and I really liked it too. Hopefully this is the direction the rest of the ads will follow.

Beware your Facebook is showing


The Wall Street Journal’s September 18th issue has an article in the Personal Journal section titled, College Applicants, Beware: Your Facebook Page is Showing – sorry not sure where the online version of this article is, if I find it I’ll link to it.

The article states that, “…survey of 500 top colleges found that 10% of admissions officers acknowledge looking at social-networking sites to evaluate applications … 38% said what they saw negatively affected their views.

What about how this affects business? I do a lot of business virtually and before I talk with analysts, buyers, or anyone else I usually do a little research – starting with Facebook, MySpace, and Google. It’s pretty amazing what you find and what people decide to share.


Here is the link:

Hungry for Change

image I just read IBM’s 2008 CEO Study entitled The Enterprise of the Future. It’s about an 80pp document and does have some good insights into what global CEOs are thinking about. There is lots of great blog fodder in the document. Some of the points that surprised me what how much mention social networking and collaboration received. While I did expect some coverage I wasn’t anticipating what I found.

In the opening pages the document starts with “…customers are far more informed, and far more demanding today. But instead of viewing this as a problem, you see it as an opportunity – to draw on their energy and ideas to collaborate and to differentiate your companies.

The document goes on to talk about some of the challenges that CEOs face. One being the “…companies are struggling with its [change] accelerated pace. and that “…technological advances are reshaping value chains, influencing products and services and changing how their companies interact with customers.

The value of Enterprise 2.0 is the ability to lubricate the mechanisms of change and facilitate how companies interact with customers.

Enterprise 2.0 and the Evolution of the Intranet

imageToday we officially launched Community Server Evolution, or as we like to call it, Evolution. You can read the full press release here.

Evolution, as its name so aptly describes, is about progressive change and improvements. In this case the evolution of the intranet and bringing the power of Enterprise 2.0 behind the firewall.

Enterprise 2.0 is characterized, primarily, by the use of collaborative and social technologies to improve a business process or service, or to bring increased efficiency to how an organization works (internally or externally).

Below are some details on what makes Evolution different from Community Server Enterprise:

  • Built for the intranet, Evolution includes a new Community Server theme designed specifically for the Intranet/Extranet. Community Server is also configured out-of-the-box for Intranet/Extranet scenarios. The distinction being that public communities – typically Digital Marketing solutions – tend to have different goals.
  • Leverages existing IT investments, Whether it is Microsoft’s Office SharePoint Server, Sun’s LDAP system, Active Directory, or even Microsoft Exchange Server Community Server Evolution adds additional value through many integration points.
  • Real-time analysis, Included with Evolution is Harvest, Telligent’s business intelligence engine (which is also included in Community Server Enterprise Edition).

You can read more about Evolution here.

Thus Telligent now offers the following:

For public facing Digital Marketing or Enterprise 2.0 solutions:

  • Community Server Enterprise, for powering public facing large-scale sites such as
  • Community Server Professional, for powering public facing sites that don’t require enterprise-grade capabilities.
  • Community Server Express, a free light-weight version

For Intranet/Extranet Enterprise 2.0 solutions:

  • Community Server Evolution, the Enterprise version of Community Server but tailored for the Intranet.

10 Best Practices for Running a Great Community

Customer often ask us for guidance as to how to start and manage a thriving community. Whether it’s a Digital Marketing solution or an Enterprise 2.0 solution these tips still apply.

I’ll also go ahead and caveat that this isn’t a complete list – by any means!

1. Identify Measurable Goals and Objectives


What are the metrics for measuring if the community was successful or not? Is it customer satisfaction, lowering support costs, increasing brand interaction? Depending upon what the purpose of the community is these can different. Jeremiah talks about 5 key principles in some of his posts (I’d recommend following him): Listening, Talking, Energizing, Supporting and Embracing.

One of the key findings documented in this post at Read Write Web’s post Corporate Social Networks Are a Waste of Money, Study Finds was that lack of metrics and criteria tends to be a problem. Most companies still tend to focus on page views.


2. Learn about the existing communities that your customers already use

image Whether you realize it or not a ‘community’ likely already exists for what you do – before you run off and create your own solution take some time to understand how you are going to add value. A lot of the newer companies that want social computing solutions are still operating under the false belief of: build it and they will come. The reality is, most likely they won’t.

You need to figure out how to add value, not just more noise. The best way to do that is to go to the places where people are already participating. Learn what they need and what you can do to uniquely provide value.

Back when I was at Microsoft and starting the community we dealt with a number of existing communities. The way we provided value was a centralized location where all parties could come together and where the product teams shared information (slides, product insight, help, etc.). This made the community unique and valuable to the members.


3. Ensure first time visitors get an immediate “feel good” experience is famous for ensuring everyone had a first friend when they joined. It’s incredibly important that new members are not only welcome but can be connected to the social layer of the group as quickly as possible. Tom Anderson became famous when you join MySpace Tom is automatically your first friend – while you didn’t necessarily need to interact with Tom you instantly were connected into the community.

This immediate “feel good” experience transcends people. It also means that you ensure the technology is aware of a user’s first experience too.


4. Let real people be the brand and encourage personal connections


When you look at really successful communities what you find is that real people are standing up and speaking on behalf of the brand. Look at what Microsoft has done with or and what Dell has done with sites like Rather than presenting filtered information through a PR agency, these brands are allowing passionate individuals who are intimately familiarly with the company’s products and services to directly represent the brand.

Communities thrive on personal connections. When you encourage and foster participation from the company you strengthen the brand with the customers those people interact with. In fact, over time you’ll see customers in turn also become brand champions.


5. Hire a Community Manager

imageLook at this list and then look at the companies they represent. Most of are forward thinking organizations that have communities that have measurable results. Jeremiah also lists the 4 key tenets of a Community Manager: Community Advocate; Brand Evangelist; Savvy Communication Skills, Shapes Editorial; Gathers community input for future product and services.

Jeremiah has another great post detailing how to hire for the various roles.


6. Your content is king. User generated content is good too


Everyone is a-buzz these days about user generated content. Unfortunately most people tend to think of user generated content as what they will get, not what they give.

This is a really, really bad assumption. Don’t start a community with the expectation that your community will create your content – eventually they likely will contribute significantly, but in the beginning they are consumers not creators.

The best advi
ce here is to enable people
within your organization – such as a community manager – to take responsibility for creating or finding valuable content for the community. Provide them with insight or information that they could not find elsewhere. The best user generated content (early on) is the content that you create.


7. Stay committed to growth – possibly monetize the community


I’m seeing this a lot these days: companies have started communities through SaaS vendors or as simple “black ops” projects and are finding themselves in an awkward situation: success. Something that started off as an inexpensive experiment is now costing them a lot of time and resources.

This is typically coming at one of the must difficult junctures too. The community isn’t always full valued yet – likely due to a lack of metrics – and proving a return on investment is difficult (reinforcing why metrics are so critical early on).

One option to consider is monetize the community by selling ads. As it turns out communities can be great sources of revenue for advertising dollars as you are typically selling placements which are highly targeted.


8. Encourage organizational adoption

imageThis should really be something that the Community Manager should be charged with ensuring occurs: making certain that everyone within the organization is able and knows how to participate.

A best practice is to publish some guidelines (although some may debate this) around what is good and not good to talk about. Some general guidelines: stick to the topic at hand. Don’t delve into religious, political, or other topics – unless of course that is the purpose of your community! In other words: use common sense.

Great organizational adoption can happen from the top down – when the CEO is blogging – or from the bottom-up.


9. Reward them – Highlight key contributors


Many people thrive on recognition. Communities facilitate common-minded individuals connecting with one another and using points or other means of recognition reinforces participation.

Most community tools include some sort of points system that rewards people for their contributions. This is an automated and simple way of calling out key contributors.

A few companies go even further and allow for points to be traded as credits (similar to an airline rewards system). You can also use a points system to identify who your biggest advocates are and give them special treatment.


10. Close the loop – act on the feedback

imageFeedback is one of the measurable returns on investment you from a community. As I’ve mentioned previously communities really are the ultimate focus group. Customers share lots of insight into their perspectives of your product and services. If you really want to energize your community show them how you act on all of the feedback (positive and negative), ideas, and everything else they care to share.

Welcome back, Alex!

Alex Lowe who I’ve known for probably 8-9 years and who worked for Telligent as one of our first product Program Managers and previously at Microsoft as a Developer Evangelist is back!

Alex left Telligent about 18 months ago to pursue a great opportunity to work at his church full time, but has decided to come back and help us build out our training offering around Telligent’s products.

We’re thrilled to have him back on board – welcome back Alex!

iPhone update causes app crashes

imageLast night, prior to leaving town, I decided to finally apply the latest iPhone firmware update to take my phone to version 2.0.2. I hadn’t experienced any problems many customers were reporting about instability with the phone or application crashes. Upgrading was just something on my list of “to dos”.

Well, the upgrade didn’t go quite as well as I had hoped.

After the update none of the 3rd party applications installed on my iPhone worked. As in: open the application and 2-3 seconds later it would just close.

I’ve read a couple of posts about this and it sounds like I’m not alone:

The good news is that all the built-in applications still work. What I’ve heard is the bug is somehow related to the DRM support in the iPhone. I’m not sure what it is, but if anyone has any suggestions I’m open.