Those silly Java developers

I was driving home from an ice hockey game tonight (which we lost) and reading my BlackBerry while driving (which I did get in a wreck from doing a couple of year ago) and had an email notification for a new comment posted on an old blog entry. … Continue reading “Those silly Java developers”

Jobster runs out of ideas… so now they are free

Oh you couldn’t miss it. The news is everywhere: Jobster decided to make all job listings free. All the Web 2.0 cool people have just about wet themselves in excitement. “Brilliant!”, “Stroke of Genius!” – ok so I made those quotes up, but that is … Continue reading “Jobster runs out of ideas… so now they are free” launches

I mentioned this last week and now it's official: is live! In last week's post I didn't really say anything about how we're different. As was mentioned in one comment there are actually a lot of "job boards" on the market already. But, if … Continue reading “ launches”

Community Server 2007 cont’d

A couple people asked about how portable or easy it will be to move themes from development to production in Community Server 2007. We’re doing a lot of work to ensure that they are as portable as possible for both scenarios (developer and designer). When … Continue reading “Community Server 2007 cont’d”

Community Server 2007

The team has been hard at work on Community Server 2007. Our goal has been to make customizing the site’s look-and-feel easier. I posted about it the other day here. We’ve made a lot of progress on the developer level features, cutting down dramatically on … Continue reading “Community Server 2007”

The BlackBerry Smiley Bug

I’m a huge BlackBerry fan. But there is one thing that has bugged me forever: I’m calling it the BlackBerry “smiley bug”. Our Exchange Server is hosted and we run the BlackBerry Enterprise Mail Server on it too, which I believe is where this bug … Continue reading “The BlackBerry Smiley Bug”

JobBurner on the launch pad

About 6 months ago we began the initial discussion of a new business in partnership with Shane Henderson, who previously worked at the the premier match making site for singles. The result of that business partnership was the formation of a new company whose … Continue reading “JobBurner on the launch pad”

Telligent call for summer 2007 internships

If you’re in college and looking for an internship this summer, drop me a line: We’d like to bring in 3-5 interns to our office here in Dallas this summer.   We don’t want to disclose what our plans are yet, but suffice to … Continue reading “Telligent call for summer 2007 internships”

what a weekend

This weekend I woke up to a phone call at 6:30 AM from the property management for our building. Apparently our suite had been broken into early Sunday morning (~1AM). Amazingly all that was stolen was one of our Xbox 360s and a Nintendo GameCube. … Continue reading “what a weekend”

Five things

So this chain-mail is going around the web and I’ve been tagged (and pestered) several times to add to it. So here it goes…   Five things you didn’t (or maybe did) know about me…   1. Software wasn’t my first choice. My first computer … Continue reading “Five things”

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