ComponentArt starts blogging

ComponentArt has a blog, Miljan announced it here, and it's built on Community Server v2.1. Community Server uses ComponentArt Web.UI controls for a lot of the more advanced grids and AJAX enabled features. This should be a great way for ComponentArt customer's to get an … Continue reading “ComponentArt starts blogging”

Seven days from now

Blogging gets easier

How to ruin a Web Design – The Design Curve

I had to borrow the title because I couldn't think of a better one. This is a great post about how to ruin a good design. Somehow I think there is some deeper subliminal meaning here as it was our design director that sent this too … Continue reading “How to ruin a Web Design – The Design Curve”

Community Server 2.1 Service Pack 1 Now Available

Get Community Server 2.1 Service Pack 1 which includes several bug fixes and feature enhancements to Community Server 2.1 and is a recommended install.

Super-duper top-secret

This is a test of the new super-duper top-secret don’t you want to know what it is feature.

Jim Allchin launches

The Windows Vista team officially launched their new blog yesterday at 5:30 PM CST: I'm thrilled to mention that Telligent partnered with the Windows Vista Team to launch this blog on Community Server. It's great to see Jim Allchin post too — hopefully we'll see … Continue reading “Jim Allchin launches”

Congratulation to 3 new Community Server MVPs

A special congratulations to 3 new Community Server MVPs: Dave Stokes (tomcat_uk) Russ Goldin (rgoldin) Thomas Freudenberg (Thomas Freudenberg) Thank you for the time you spend learning and sharing your experiences with the Community Server platform!

Scott Guthrie at NDDNUG on November 2nd

Scott Guthrie will be here in Dallas on November 2nd speaking at the North Dallas .NET User Group! If you've never had the opportunity to attend a talk that Scott has given you're really missing out. Scott is not only a dynamic and authoritative speaker, … Continue reading “Scott Guthrie at NDDNUG on November 2nd”

CodeSmith 4.0 goes to public beta

As Eric mentioned here CodeSmith 4.0 has gone into public beta. A little about CodeSmith 4.0: Saves you timeCodeSmith was built with a singular goal in mind: give developers a tool that saves them time. Using CodeSmith you can automate the repetitive tasks that slow … Continue reading “CodeSmith 4.0 goes to public beta”

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!

As mentioned here we decided to not spend any money on marketing for the ASP Connections conference. Instead, we're just going to give away a total of $5,000 in cash prizes at the booth (actually they are VISA cards loaded with various dollar amounts). So … Continue reading “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!”

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