Interested in trying your hand at building a product?

We're looking for a few rock stars who want to bid on a couple of small projects that we'd like to fund before the end of 2007. All the projects require executing an NDA with Telligent, but all will be very, very exciting opportunities to … Continue reading “Interested in trying your hand at building a product?”

Telligent Developer Conference

Yes, it's official! The first Telligent Professional Developer Conference. No, not really but a few of us are getting together — Jayson Knight posts about it here. The date is September 22nd – 25th in Dallas, TX USA and there are about 10 people (that we know of) … Continue reading “Telligent Developer Conference”

Community Server News

Gleaned from the Community Server daily news — did you know we had a daily blog? — something for everyone using Live Writer. RJ Rudley provides a step-by-step on configuring Writer for Community Server Scott Watermasysk posts about creating Community Server Tags on-the-fly via a Live Writer Plugin  … Continue reading “Community Server News”

$5,000 give away at Dev Connections

So we were talking through promotions and advertising for the CodeSmith booth at Dev Connections in November. We had some really witty ideas for magazine ads (I'll refrain from telling you just how creative we got). But the more we thought about it, why not just give … Continue reading “$5,000 give away at Dev Connections”

Yes, it is Linux … and I like it

I feel violated. My home network has this nasty new device hooked up to it that I really, really like: Control 4 Home Automation System. I get as many remotes as I want and they all work over my wireless network and pretty much can … Continue reading “Yes, it is Linux … and I like it”

MSNBC First Read Blog

Just in time for the political season MSNBC launches a new Community Server blog First Read: The Day in Politics. It looks like they have several editors updating the blog every couple of hours. It's definitely great to see news organizations using blogs more and … Continue reading “MSNBC First Read Blog”

Announcing Sound Creative

Today we're soft-launching Sound Creative (more details here) a new design business. No website yet… cobbler's children have no shoes thing 🙂 We've been building and growing a creative staff internally at Telligent to bring our customers great design to accompnay their custom software solutions. About 3 … Continue reading “Announcing Sound Creative”

Startup doesn’t always mean venture capital

A couple of people emailed me completely surprised after I mentioned in this post that Telligent didn't have any venture captial companies funding us. I've worked with a lot of venture captialists over the years and still keep in contact with a few of them … Continue reading “Startup doesn’t always mean venture capital”

Community Server Content

We've been spending a bunch of time updating our documentation for Community Server lately. The content is great, but the UI is a little iffy still — we're planning on doing an update to the UI in the coming weeks. In addition to our own … Continue reading “Community Server Content”

Should tags be moderated?

Tags are a great way to push a site's ontology definition onto the responsibility of the reader. However, much like everything else it gets abused. We've had a lot of questions lately from people asking if tags should support moderation. Tags already support editing in … Continue reading “Should tags be moderated?”

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