Build it quickly, use it as soon as possible, and make it simple

We've learned a lot in the last 2+ years building software at Telligent. One of the biggest lessons we've learned is one we didn't really anticipate: a shift from caring less about the underlying technology to how our software solves the user's problem. It's a … Continue reading “Build it quickly, use it as soon as possible, and make it simple”

Community Server 2.1 Now Available

We’re please to announce the immediate availability of Community Server version 2.1! If you are running ASP.NET version 1.1: Download Now – Community Server 2.1, Windows Install (MSI) for ASP.NET 1.1 Download Now – Community Server 2.1, Web Install for ASP.NET 1.1 If you are … Continue reading “Community Server 2.1 Now Available”


A common question I hear about sites like and other large communities we run (as well as Community Server in general) is: Why don’t you have support for CAPTCHA? The short answer is: you don’t need it. While CAPTCHA isn’t a feature included in … Continue reading “Why no CAPTCHA?”

Community Server 2.1, Beta 1 Available

We’re excited to announce the immediate availability of Community Server version 2.1, Beta 1: Windows InstallerDownload for ASP.NET 1.1 Web Installer (and for upgrades from version 2.0)Download for ASP.NET 1.1Download for ASP.NET 2.0 Below are a few of the new capabilities found in Community Server … Continue reading “Community Server 2.1, Beta 1 Available”

Changes to post sorting

You may notice that the sorting on isn't strictly chronological anymore. Scott wrote up a post that details why this is. The short version is that there is now an algorithm (Digg inspired) that sorts the posts based on relevance. New posts start on … Continue reading “Changes to post sorting”

Forrester Research for Blogging Platforms is Published

Forrester Research published their Q2 2006 Forrester Wave report. Community Server was one of the blogging platforms evaluated. We’re a relatively young contender to the space, but our initial participation in an analyst process seems to have gone well, “Telligent Provides A Strong, Community-Based Blogging … Continue reading “Forrester Research for Blogging Platforms is Published”

Welcome Ryan Hoffman, Telligent Intern

Ryan Hoffman is the first official intern of Telligent! You can follow Ryan’s blog here: For those of you that don’t know Ryan is heavily involved in several well known Community Sites, such as and While we can’t say exactly what Ryan … Continue reading “Welcome Ryan Hoffman, Telligent Intern”

Vic Gundotra off to Google

I worked with Vic briefly during my Developer Relations Group (DRG) time as an evangelist at Microsoft during the late 1990s. Vic was one of the pioneering drivers behind the evangelism teams at Microsoft and was the guy ultimately responsible for sites like and who Scoble rolled … Continue reading “Vic Gundotra off to Google”

Telligent turns 2

It’s hard to believe, but on June 1st 2006 Telligent turned 2 years old! To celebrate we brought in some of our team in from out-of-town, held a half-day company meeting, and then took over a section of a restraunt for a nice dinner. The … Continue reading “Telligent turns 2”

Dallas, TX CodeCamp

The Dallas, TX CodeCamp is this Saturday June 24th 2006 at the Microsoft Dallas office. Lots of great content is on tap — I’ll be providing a presentation on “Building interactive web communities”, i.e. an overview of Community Server. It’s the same session I gave … Continue reading “Dallas, TX CodeCamp”

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