Community Server 2.0, beta 2 — now available

cross posted from The Communtiy Server team is pleased to announce the availability of Community Server 2.0, beta 2. Community Server 2.0 beta 2 is already running and Beta 2 addresses many UI, bugs, and other issues found with the Beta 1 … Continue reading “Community Server 2.0, beta 2 — now available”

CodeSmith saves time and money — it even proves it now!

Eric, just added in a new ‘just for fun’ feature for CodeSmith 3.1. Below is a screen shot: The fun part is: Lines Generated – how many lines of code CodeSmith has generated for you. Hours Saved –  Shows how much time you’ve saved (assumes … Continue reading “CodeSmith saves time and money — it even proves it now!”

VB vs C# debate…

Rocky shared his thoughts on this. Personally I use C# as my primary development language, but I thought this statement by Rocky made a lot of sense: “Second, Basic was designed specifically to cater to the way people think. C-style languages were designed specifically to cater … Continue reading “VB vs C# debate…”

New personalization feature for

If you haven’t noticed yet, there is a great new feature for personalization. It’s a new feature of Community Server 2.0. has 85+ forums associated with it. This is great because there is an area for just about any aspect of ASP.NET. However, … Continue reading “New personalization feature for”

PC Magazine goes live with Community Server

PC Magazine’s forums ( and a sister site Extreme Tech’s forums ( are both running on Community Server as of this morning!

The Smart Client / Web Application bet

Paul and I have a friendly discussion and now bet going. The discussion (and bet) centers around our discussion of Smart Clients vs. Web applications: 1. My first post, Is “Smart Client” a “Dumb Idea”? 2. Paul’s reply, No Rob, Dumb Terminals are a Dumb … Continue reading “The Smart Client / Web Application bet”

Show me the money

To quote PC Magazine’s recent Best of the Year issue: “One of the biggest trends in the software industry today is Web applications, exemplified by, Yahoo! Mail, and Google Maps. …I found Microsoft’s annoucement last month of its new Windows Live and Windows Office … Continue reading “Show me the money”

Updates to was upgraded to Community Server 2.0 last night. While there are a myriad of new capabilities, one of the bigger improvements was search. There are still some kinks we’re working out, but there is some great new capabilities, such as forum personalization and ink … Continue reading “Updates to”

Secure RSS, building custom feeds, and reading feeds

If you haven’t read The Tipping Point, I’d highly recommend it. While some may disagree with me, I don’t think RSS has reached it’s ‘tipping poing’ yet. While growing in popularity, RSS is still largely in the early adopter phase. I think the tipping point, … Continue reading “Secure RSS, building custom feeds, and reading feeds”

Slides from Whidbey Rocks Dallas Launch event

Attendees to the event should have received a CD with the slides and demos. Unfortunately I couldn’t extract the demos out of the VPC, but I did manage to get the slides. You can download them here:

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