Bad hiring practices, maybe … but maybe it’s a good hiring process Maybe so, but… Part of the interview process isn’t figuring out if you can solve all these little problems, but how you deal with the situation. IMHO, this shows was a clear indicator of someone that might not be a good fit. The point of an … Continue reading “Bad hiring practices, maybe … but maybe it’s a good hiring process”

Telligent and CodeSmith Tools Open Positions

We’ve got several open positions at Telligent as well as CodeSmith Tools: Ideal candidates are familiar with C#, ASP.NET, Microsoft SQL Server. However, the ability to learn these technologies (for developers), i.e. coming from a C++ or Java background, is equally as useful. Dallas, TX … Continue reading “Telligent and CodeSmith Tools Open Positions”

July 4th

Happy birthday America!

You know you’re a geek when…

At the office you hear conversations like, “I’ve got +10 as a warrior class” (recently heard in the Telligent offices) and you actually both understand and appreciate the meaning of that. Oh, we finally got our XBox room all setup too:   We are not … Continue reading “You know you’re a geek when…”

.NET Rocks!!!

Thanks Carl and Richard allowing me to participate in .NET Rocks! ( June 26th show.

NNTP support for

We recently updated the NNTP server that runs news://

Social Networking End Game

About once a day I get an email from either LinkedIn (url purposefully not included) or Plaxo (again, url purposefully not included). Let’s talk about Plaxo first. Here’s the scenario: you want to keep your address book up-to-date so Plaxo (amongst others) is the “free” … Continue reading “Social Networking End Game”

Web Forums vs. Newsgroups — together at last…

The endless debate: should you use web based forums or newsgroups? Web based forums, such as those at are great because they provide a rich interactive experience and foster true communities. News groups, on the other hand, are fast simple and support offline as … Continue reading “Web Forums vs. Newsgroups — together at last…”

1lb of M&Ms — Telligent 1 year anniversary

Microsoft has this funny little tradition: on your yearly anniversary with the company people would buy a 1 pound bag of M&Ms for each year of their anniversary, e.g. 5 lbs == 5 years, and put them outside of their office door. We have a … Continue reading “1lb of M&Ms — Telligent 1 year anniversary”

Community Server 1.1 Release Candidate 1

Full details Version 1.1 is a performance focused release. We will also release our NNTP Server (use it at news:// within the next several days. Planning for Version 1.2, the theme of which is “simplicity” has already started.

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