Extending the ASP.NET Roadshow

Looks like we’re going to add some new dates to the ASP.NET Roadshow — a tentative list of the planned cities is below, but we haven’t announced any dates yet: Atlanta Washington D.C. Phoenix Detroit Cincinnati Philadelphia Stay tuned to www.asp.net/roadshow for details on dates … Continue reading “Extending the ASP.NET Roadshow”

Plano, TX .NET User’s Group

It’s official Jason Alexander (creator of www.ngallery.org) and Shane Henderson have started the Plano, TX .NET User’s Group and PDNUG has officially been recognized as an INETA member. So, if you live in the North Dallas, TX area check out the site and come support this … Continue reading “Plano, TX .NET User’s Group”

Headed to Milwaukee… Brrrr

We’re about to kick off the next round of ASP.NET Roadshow events  (we’ve added more cities and will be announcing them soon @ www.asp.net/roadshow). Tomorrow I’m headed to Wisconsin for the Deep in .NET event – it should be a great event with lots of great technical … Continue reading “Headed to Milwaukee… Brrrr”

Blackberry 7320

I finally replaced my old Blackberry and my Sony-Ericcson phone with a new Blackberry 7320. I’ve been using it for about a week now and thought I would share some of the postives and negatives: Positives: It’s great to have one device for both email … Continue reading “Blackberry 7320”

Remote Debugging: Your feedback wanted

Habib (a Program Manager on the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET debugger team) is looking for some feedback on how people use remote debugging. If this is a feature of VS .NET that you use, here’s your chance to share thoughts/ideas. I just had to use remote … Continue reading “Remote Debugging: Your feedback wanted”

RSS feeds on www.asp.net/forums is live!!!

We have feeds for all the public forums @ www.asp.net/forums now. For example, you can grab the announcements feed here. Just look for the familiar at the bottom of the page when viewing the threads in a forum. You can filter the list of threads … Continue reading “RSS feeds on www.asp.net/forums is live!!!”

Adding RSS feeds to www.asp.net/forums

Today we’re going to add RSS feeds to the ASP.NET Forums @ www.asp.net/forums/. Kent has been asking me to do this for a while 🙂 We’ll start with feeds for all of the Forums. Depending upon the feedback we may also add a feed for … Continue reading “Adding RSS feeds to www.asp.net/forums”

Phone Gripes: Sony Ericcson t68i

About 9mo. ago I was chatting with a friend of mine about getting a GSM phone. I wanted to start making some mobile aware applications — specifically the www.asp.net articles/forums. The recommendation was the Sony Ericsson t68i which was getting great reviews in Mobile circles. With Bluetooth, infrared, … Continue reading “Phone Gripes: Sony Ericcson t68i”

Editorializing weblogs.asp.net

I was catching up on the weblogs feeds this morning and ran across a couple of articles where people were worried about the influx of MSFT people from GotDotNet to weblogs.asp.net.   The main concerns are that the blogs on weblogs.asp.net will somehow become editorialized. … Continue reading “Editorializing weblogs.asp.net”

Last week’s Roadshow

Last week’s roadshow events were great! We visited Denver on Tuesday and St. Louis on Thursday. I also had the chance to present at the Colorado Springs .NET Users Group on Tuesday night. Wednesday I had the opportunity to present to several Denver area ISVs … Continue reading “Last week’s Roadshow”

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