ASP.NET Forums Progress

We’ve made a ton of progress over the past couple weeks on the Forums v2.0 code base. We now have RSS feeds for all the forum groups, for example our check-in forum:

Adding RSS to

About once a week we get an email for us to add RSS feeds to our list of articles on So last night I finally did this; we’ll update the site later today. I was curious to know how most people are writing their … Continue reading “Adding RSS to”

Meet the ASPInsiders

From the ASPInsiders web site: “The ASPInsiders is a select group of international professionals who have a demonstrated expertise in ASP.NET technologies and who provide valuable, early feedback on related developing technologies and publications to their peers, the Microsoft ASP.NET team, and others.“ This group … Continue reading “Meet the ASPInsiders”

Help build ASP.NET “Whidbey” Providers

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about the new ‘Provider Design Pattern‘ being introduced in ASP.NET “Whidbey”. In summary, the provider design pattern allows for a pluggable data abstraction layer / business logic layer which allows for built in functionality of ASP.NET to be easily … Continue reading “Help build ASP.NET “Whidbey” Providers”


I finally had some time to address some of the points in Frans post.   > Ad-hoc SQL Script is brittle ‘For Ad-hoc queries, you change the query’ Yes, and you’ve also got to recompile the application don’t forget to mention that   ‘A component … Continue reading “Continued…”

Software Development Maladies (humor)

I got a couple of emails WRT my comments on NIHS (from another fun post), and thought I’d share a few others I’ve heard of.   Ok, keep in mind this is supposed to be developer humor – hopefully no one will take it any other … Continue reading “Software Development Maladies (humor)”

Last post on the topic — at least for now!

Wow! It’s great to see discussion, that’s the best way to learn new things. Frans makes some very valid counter-points. I’ll eat crow over my original posting for stating: ‘When stored procedures are used SQL Server can cache or pre-compile the ‘execution plan’ that it … Continue reading “Last post on the topic — at least for now!”

New Addison-Wesley books

Found some new books awaiting me in my office that I can’t wait to dig into: The Common Language Infastructure Annotated Standard, by Jim Miller and Susann Ragsdale. – In hard cover no less! I can’t wait to dig into this book, Nikhil even dropped … Continue reading “New Addison-Wesley books”

Don’t use stored procedures yet? Must be suffering from NIHS (Not Invented Here Syndrome)

At just about every talk I give I always try to make several consistent statements. One of which is: ‘Whenever possible use stored procedures to access your data’.   The following day I usually receive some email from people that attended the talk – it’s … Continue reading “Don’t use stored procedures yet? Must be suffering from NIHS (Not Invented Here Syndrome)”

Design trade-offs

I just read an interesting critisim of some of the feature in ASP.NET “Whidbey“.  I posted a reply that I wanted to capture in my own blog with some additional thoughts: There were really two parts to the critisim: The first had to do with class … Continue reading “Design trade-offs”

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