Community Server FTP and NNTP Server (Beta 1)

1 minute read

We’re pleased to announce the availability of two new add-ons for Community Server that are now available for public beta.

These are commercial add-ons based on per-session licenses. Both the Professional and Enterprise offerings of the commercial version of Community Server will include user licenses for these add-ons.

Important: both betas will expire on April 18th.

Community Server, NNTP Server (Beta 1)

The Community Server NNTP Server allows you to connect to a Community Server system using any RFC compliant NNTP newsreader, such as Microsoft’s Outlook Express.

Download Community Server NNTP Server (Beta 1) Now

You can see the Community Server, NNTP Server (Beta1) in action by opening Outlook Express and connecting to news:// You can connect annonymously or use the same credentials for logging on to


Community Server, FTP Server (Beta 1)

The Community Server FTP Server allows you to connect to a Community Server system using any RFC compliant FTP client, such as the FTP client built into Internet Explorer. Using the FTP client you can access a virtualized file system — currently only image file types – but we will soon enable multiple file types.

Community Server, FTP Server will allow applications to easily offer secure FTP services without requiring Windows credentials for each user. Additionally, using the web based interfaces files can be rated, commented on, and statistics such as downloads and views easily tracked.

Download Community Server FTP Server (Beta 1) Now

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