Enterprise 2.0 and the Evolution of the Intranet

1 minute read

imageToday we officially launched Community Server Evolution, or as we like to call it, Evolution. You can read the full press release here.

Evolution, as its name so aptly describes, is about progressive change and improvements. In this case the evolution of the intranet and bringing the power of Enterprise 2.0 behind the firewall.

Enterprise 2.0 is characterized, primarily, by the use of collaborative and social technologies to improve a business process or service, or to bring increased efficiency to how an organization works (internally or externally).

Below are some details on what makes Evolution different from Community Server Enterprise:

  • Built for the intranet, Evolution includes a new Community Server theme designed specifically for the Intranet/Extranet. Community Server is also configured out-of-the-box for Intranet/Extranet scenarios. The distinction being that public communities – typically Digital Marketing solutions – tend to have different goals.
  • Leverages existing IT investments, Whether it is Microsoft’s Office SharePoint Server, Sun’s LDAP system, Active Directory, or even Microsoft Exchange Server Community Server Evolution adds additional value through many integration points.
  • Real-time analysis, Included with Evolution is Harvest, Telligent’s business intelligence engine (which is also included in Community Server Enterprise Edition).

You can read more about Evolution here.

Thus Telligent now offers the following:

For public facing Digital Marketing or Enterprise 2.0 solutions:

  • Community Server Enterprise, for powering public facing large-scale sites such as MySpace.com.
  • Community Server Professional, for powering public facing sites that don’t require enterprise-grade capabilities.
  • Community Server Express, a free light-weight version

For Intranet/Extranet Enterprise 2.0 solutions:

  • Community Server Evolution, the Enterprise version of Community Server but tailored for the Intranet.

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