McKinsey Web 2.0 Enterprise Survey

1 minute read

image An interesting report from McKinsey Global Survey about the impact of Web 2.0 technologies in the enterprise.

While they don’t specifically mention any vendors they do share some details on how customers are adopting Web 2.0 technologies and what the various satisfaction levels are.

A couple of things that stood out for me, and possibly just do to a lack of the analysts really understanding the market:

  • Web Services and peer-to-peer were listed as Web 2.0 tools alongside blogs, RSS, Podcasts, etc. This type of comparison always strikes me as a little odd since some of these are protocols and others are solutions.
  • The term “Mash Ups” seems to be making a come back. This is the second time in as many days I’ve seen this term in different reports.

You can download the report here (after registering on their site)

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