Mix 06 Presentation & Building Products Customers Love

1 minute read

I’m starting to figure out what all to cover in my Mix06 presentation about using ASP.NET to built a community platform, AKA Community Server. The challenge is that the audience is going to be a complete mix (no pun intended) of people that are seasoned .NET experts, developers new to .NET, and business decision makers who probably don’t care a lot about developer details! If you have thoughts/comments or ideas of what you think I should cover — please let me know 🙂

Also Scott Watermasysk pointed me to a great video by Seth Godin about building products customers love. It’s a presentation at Google, so naturally there are lots of references to how great Google is. Here is the direct link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6909078385965257294

If you are coming to Mix06 — make sure and say hi!

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