Shipping ASP.NET 1.1

3 minute read

Last night we updated the ASP.NET site with the links to the download to ASP.NET 1.1 — YEA!!! We RTW’d (Released to Web) 🙂

If you haven’t had a chance to check out ASP.NET 1.1 yet, you can now download the final version. We also wrote some whitepapers/FAQs to help people with some things that you might run into:

I’m working on another one that discusses setting up ASP.NET 1.1 and IIS 6.0 – it should be on the site tomorrow or Monday — just waiting for a final edit pass by our documentation team and some more details from our development team.

Shipping software at Microsoft
… is definitely fun:

There’s the ‘beer bashes’ where everyone gets together Fridays at 4PM — but usually not many people show up because they’re too busy — or they only make a pitstop for a beer and some chips! For ASP.NET 1.1 there was also the big ‘Windows Server 2003’ party in one of the parking garages (due to lovely Seattle weather). And then finally there is the ‘Everett’ (code name for .NET Framework 1.1) ship party.

The ‘Everett’ ship party, which will just be for the people responsible for .NET Framework and VS .NET is being held in, you guessed it: Everett (actually it’s at the ‘Everett Ranch’ — one has to assume…)

For those of you that don’t know, Everett is a small city just north of Seattle. Everett is home of Everett Naval Station – home to the USS Abraham Lincoln – a Nimitz Class nuclear powered aircraft carrier. For those of you that remember ‘Top Gun’ it’s the same boat, er, ship.

I’m not complaing, it’s just that the ship party for .NET Framework 1.0 was in Las Vegas, which I had to miss it due to the recent birth of my son. I guess maybe I am kind of complaing 🙂 … I mean, why can’t someone choose a code nam like ‘Fiji’ or ‘Baja’!

ASP.NET Forums
I’ve had some free time, i.e. ignoring other work/email, the last couple of weeks and focused on the forums. Below are some screen shots:

I’ve done a bunch of other UI and database related work. The screen-shots above are about 2 weeks old now. More about the forums v 1.5 later.

Enough rambling 🙂

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