Those silly Java developers

2 minute read
I was driving home from an ice hockey game tonight (which we lost) and reading my BlackBerry while driving (which I did get in a wreck from doing a couple of year ago) and had an email notification for a new comment posted on an old blog entry.
Below is the comment:
By leading MS developers to use stored procs, you are leading them to Java, where the standard practice is not to use stored procedures, which is much easier. Of course you could lie to yourself and think that Java apps don't scale or don't perform, but even if that's true, it does not seem to have impact in Java adoption.
If you can't guess which discussion it's the oldy, but goody:
The comment, "..leading them to Java…", is just dumb. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a big fan of stored procedures and also apprecitate the value of dynamic SQL. But all of that is besides the point!
My "bloggable" radar went off when I read, "…lie to yourself and think that Java apps don't scale or don't perform…"
Seriously? Who cares!
First of all, I think we're a long ways past the software mattering about application scalability or performance. Today you have to purposly try to screw-up an ASP.NET application to have it not perform. In fact, I would go so far as to say the same thing is probably true of Java (which I don't know a thing about). In both cases I think the only cause of poor application performance is the person writing the software making bad decisions.
Secondly, why does it matter? I used to be the same way, i.e. "I'm writing this application to scale!". Again, wasted effort. There is a great Agile Software adage: Don't create solutions to problems you think you'll have. In other words, instead of worrying about scale and performance worry about getting the application done and in the hands of customers. Scalability and performance issues are guaranteed to never be a problem if your software isn't being used.
Ok, back to catching up on the best show on t.v.: Heros.

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